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  • September 11, 2024By JB Shreve

    Today, we look at Matthew 6:6-24 as Jesus talks about the true treasure of the Kingdom of God. The world we live in longs for wealth, power, and fame. The true treasure of the Kingdom of God however is found in the secret place. “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them

  • August 24, 2024By JB Shreve

    How did Jesus teach us to pray? Believe it or not, He actually gave us a template for prayer. In this episode of The Manifesto: Life Politics and Reality in the Kingdom of God we continue our walk through what is traditionally known as the Sermon on the Mount. Today we are looking at “the

  • August 7, 2024By JB Shreve

    The Lord’s Prayer is so commonplace in our society that we often overlook its significance. The Son of God Himself is teaching us how to pray! In these next two episode of The Manifesto: Life Politics and Reality in the Kingdom of God JB Shreve takes a deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew

  • July 24, 2024By JB Shreve

    As we move into Matthew chapter 6 of the Manifesto (Sermon on the Mount), Jesus introduces us to a new concept known as “the secret place.” It is here that we meet God, develop, and grow. Jesus presents a new way of living, not from the outside in but from the inside out. Today’s episode

  • July 20, 2024By JB Shreve

    Is it possible that Jesus called on us to actually LOVE OUR ENEMIES? A lot of scholars and teachers imagine that Jesus meant less than what He is saying in this passage from Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount, but the simple fact is – this is what He modeled for us! Today’s

  • July 3, 2024By JB Shreve

    In today’s episode, we examine the famous passage from the Manifesto in which Jesus talks about how His followers must turn the other cheek. We then travel through different interpretations of this passage, from Leo Tolstoy to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., culminating in a look at what Jesus is really saying here. Episode 19:  The

  • June 26, 2024By JB Shreve

    Contrary to popular teachings, Jesus did not ban either oaths or promises in the Sermon on the Mount. He is going to something much deeper and significant than that. If we want to understand what Jesus said about oaths and promises in the Bible, we have to see the wider and greater message of the

  • June 19, 2024By JB Shreve

    You will find a wide array of standards ad positions when it comes to the issue of divorce in the church today. What did Jesus mean about marriage and divorce when He discussed this issue in the Sermon on the Mount? This is real life stuff here and it is a lot deeper than religious

  • June 13, 2024By JB Shreve

    When Jesus talked about the issues of lust and adultery, he went right for the jugular. Most religious approaches to these issues look at license, what you can or can’t do. But in the Manifesto of the Kingdom of God, Jesus dealt with reality. And even better, He created a pathway for us to fulfill

  • June 12, 2024By JB Shreve

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus went to the roots of issues like anger and hate. These words were not meant to condemn. They were meant to bring life and peace. This is the reality of the Kingdom of God. Episode 15: Anger and Hatred Manifesto: Life, Politics, and Reality in the Kingdom of
