This week’s episode: “The Rise of Ahab and Jezebel” (Episode 6 in the Kings and Prophets series) will drop on Thursday. For those studying along with us as we journey through the stories of 1 and 2 Kings here is your assigned reading for the week:
This Week’s Recommended Reading
- 1 Kings 17
Considerations As You Read
Often we misunderstand the times we live in. The land that King Ahab and Queen Jezebel ruled over prospered. The people therefore assumed that God (or the gods) were showing favor on them. But we cannot separate the favor of God from right living and obedience. When idolatry and disobedience flourish in the generation, the prosperity of the economy should not determine our understanding of the world we live in.
- When I look at the world I live in, am I being seduced by a false understanding God’s favor and blessings?
A key to Elijahs rise to confront and confound the idolatrous world he lived in was the zeal for God that was active in his life.
2. What does the zeal look like in my life? If God looked at my life and compared it to the generation that surrounds me, would there be a difference?