Never in the history of humanity has so much consumption and desire been so easily accessible at the push of a button. It is a marvel of our generation, and in that marvel are the presumptions of instant gratification that we often and wrongfully believe are normal and permissible before God. It’s not. Throughout the
This post, The Orientation of Our Life, is a continuation of our look at Psalm 1 that this blog series began on Monday. Once we have turned off the wrong voices, we must go to the next step and install the correct voice – the Word of God. The Word of God was designed to
Our podcast series epic on the Days of David begins with a look at the times and heritage that David was born to. This opening episode in our series looks at King David’s origin story. For those following along in your Bible, you’ll want to read the books of Judges and Ruth to track the
We live in a culture saturated with voices that claim to promote our individual happiness. This focus is so prevalent that we barely notice when we hear it spoken. The emphasis on personal happiness is like the invisible oxygen that keeps our society moving forward. It is in the moral lessons of our sitcoms, the
We are excited about these two new series from the JB Shreve Faithful Considerations website beginning in April. The Days of David is an epic podcast series that will journey through 1 and 2 Samuel exploring the life of David and his times. Part bible study and part adventure story, we hope that this podcast
We live in a time when a deep darkness is covering the earth, but we are called to see and recognize more, even amid the darkness. This podcast devotional looks at the idea of deep darkness described in scripture. It is a darkness so thick that, at times, it could even be felt. But within the
There are moments in life that define us. In this natural realm, they may appear as mere random moments, opportunities, or forks in the road – if we even consider them at all. But in the design of God, these defining moments of grace make us who we are (or who we are not). In
Can we block God’s energy? Can a man or woman really do that? The answer is a resounding yes! And that is something we never want to do! In this episode, part of our Grace – The Energy of God podcast series, JB Shreve looks at a subtle but deadly perspective and posture of the
Recognizing the grace of God is the first step to securing the benefits of His energy in our life – but it goes further. We must recognize the specific nature of grace God has put upon our lives. This is not something we can achieve with a religious mindset. It requires spiritual discernment. The early
In our last episode, we looked at three ways to access the grace of God, His divine energy that Christ secured for us to create whole and healthy Kingdom lives and homes. We continue with that discussion in this episode, identifying three more biblical standards for accessing the energy of God for our lives. Some