Today’s episode in our Days of David podcast series tells the dramatic and tragic story that inspired the Song of the Bow. This song of mourning includes the timeless phrase “How the mighty have fallen!” Today we look at the end of the house of Saul, his death and the deaths of his sons, including the great prince Jonathan.
For those following along in scripture, this episode looks at the events from 1 Samuel 28 to 2 Samuel 1. We look at David and his mighty men following a perilous raid by the Amalekites, the Witch of Endor, the deaths of Saul and his sons, and the David’s learning of these events.

Saul and the witch of Endor – Picture from The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments books collection published in 1885, Stuttgart-Germany. Drawings by Gustave Dore.

The death of Saul – Picture from The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments books collection published in 1885, Stuttgart-Germany. Drawings by Gustave Dore. This is where the phrase “how the mighty have fallen” comes from as David sang about it.
You can learn more about the items discussed in this episode through these links:
- The Amalekites
- Necromancy and Ghost Pits in the Ancient World
- Who Appeared to the Witch at Endor
- Common Expressions that Originated from the Bible
If you enjoyed this podcast episode, please consider sharing it with your friends on social media. Find links to the whole series at this page as we release a new episode in the Days of David, a podcast series epic, every week.