The sins of David need little introduction. His adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband Uriah are nearly as famous as his defeat of Goliath. This episode looks at how this critical event in the Days of David unfolded and how it forever changed the way the king operated. He was still the man after God’s own heart. He gained forgiveness of his sins, but David was never the same after this event.
One key area where these changes in David played out was in how he handled his children. Never the best of fathers, now David begins to reap the whirlwind in his latter years, moving from one crisis to the next with his degenerate kids.
For those following along in your Bible, today’s podcast episode covers 2 Samuel 11-19

Nathan Rebukes David, as in 2 Samuel 12; watercolor circa 1896–1902 by James Tissot

Tapiz titulado Muerte de Absalón cedido en depósito por el Patrimonio Nacional al CESEDEN mediante acta de entrega de fecha 18 de abril de 1956. El paño fue tejido en 1817 en la Real Fábrica de Tapices de Madrid, bajo la orientación de su director don Livinio Stuyck y Vandergoten, tomando como modelo el tejido en el siglo XVIII para el comedor del rey Carlos III en el Palacio Real. El cartón, conservado en el Palacio de Aranjuez es obra del pintor de cámara Corrado Giaquinto durante su estancia en Madrid entre 1753 y 1762, que realizó su composición sobre los textos bíblicos del libro de Samuel.
Read more on the topics discussed in this podcast episode regarding the Sins of David at these links:
- Nathan the Prophet
- Tamar
- I don’t agree with all of this writer’s perspectives or approaches but he does a good job at laying down a timeline for the events regarding David’s children and the surrounding chaos they inspired.