Now Reading: Quit Listening to the Noise


Quit Listening to the Noise

September 3, 20212 min read

JB and Casie Shreve sit down to discuss the legitimate dangers of listening to the wrong sources, frequencies, and values in this day and age. In a time when social media and the world around us encourages us to argue, be outraged, and push our own perspectives more assertively than the perspective of our neighbors, it is worth asking, “Is this how believers should behave?” Many of us are being seduced by the frequency in the earth today that provokes us to anger, argument, and other positions that are not Christ-like. In that process, we are forgetting the values and principles of walking in the peace of the Kingdom of God. This is a dangerous way to live and makes us highly susceptible to deception. Perhaps you have seen friends and families caught up in these deceptions. Perhaps you have been caught up yourself. Were we called to argue, prove a point, or lay down our lives and love our brothers and sisters in Christ?


John 15:12-14 (NIV) My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.


Consider the issues and causes that provoke you today. Consider what is so important that you are arguing about on Facebook. Much of what many Christians are saying an debating today has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God. It betrays the true treasure of their heart. And it is rooted to an earth-based, fleshly value system.

Here is a link to the article referenced in this podcast episode – Worse Than Covid

This podcast episode is currently available to the public but will eventually be moved to the archives. Our archives are available to Patreon supporters who can find this episode here.


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