The aim of God’s life-giving grace in the Kingdom of God is for us to be perfect like God. That is what Jesus tells us in this passage from the Sermon on the Mount. It is here that He draws a clear line and boundary between the manifesto of the Kingdom of God and the
Jesus despised religion. That’s one of the key messages he brings home to us again and again throughout the Sermon on the Mount and the gospels. This continuation of our last episode look at the real enemy of the Kingdom of God. Episode 13: Manifesto: Life, Politics, and Reality in the Kingdom of God In this
The enemy of the Kingdom of God is not what you think it is. Think about this for a moment. In an era when baby killing King Herod sat on the throne, and the Christian massacring Emperor Nero ruled the Roman world – you hardly read anything about Christians confronting from Jesus or the early
After finishing with the value statements of the Manifesto of the Kingdom of God, Jesus begins to describe the citizens, His people. They are the salt of the earth. In this episode, we look specifically at what Jesus meant by these words. It is a key definer for Christians seeking to follow Christ today. We
The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world. Power and warfare are inescapable aspects of the kingdoms of this world. According to Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount however, the values of the Kingdom of God celebrate the peacemakers. That is why He said “blessed are the peacemakers.” Episode
Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. That’s the apex of these value statements which are traditionally called the beatitudes that we find in the Sermon on the Mount. God is giving us access to something no one ever had before Christ opened the way for us. Episode 9: Manifesto: Life,
The beatitudes, or what we are calling the value statements, within the Sermon on the Mount are more than just pithy statements and proverbs. When Jesus said “blessed are those who hunger and thirst” he was laying out a standard of life for us who want to live as citizens in the Kingdom of God.
Who are the meek and why did Jesus esteem them so highly in His teaching from the Sermon on the Mount. In this episode of the Manifesto, Life Politics and Reality in the Kingdom of God we look at Jesus’ statement, “blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” Episode 7: Manifesto: Life, Politics,
How can mourning be a blessed state? As we continue through the value statements of the Manifesto of the Kingdom of God, or what is traditionally referred to as the beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount, this is what we look at. There is a different value system and a different measurement for the
As we jump into the area of the Sermon on the Mount, traditionally referred to as “the beatitudes,” we are renaming them. These are the value statements of the Manifesto of the Kingdom of God. These are the most important things. Today, we look at the first of these value statements. Jesus explained how different