In the spring of 2023, I released one of the most popular podcast series to date on the JB Shreve Faithful Considerations channel. It was called The Days of David. We tracked through 1 and 2 Samuel and gave life to the story and times of King David. We exposed the politics behind the stories and the struggles of different people, particularly David himself, and we stripped off the religious perspectives of their lives and stories.
The newest podcast series from JB Shreve & Faithful Considerations, Kings and Prophets tells the stories of 1 and 2 Kings. From the rise of Solomon to the splitting of the nation into north and south, the rise of the prophets like Elijah and Elisha, Isaiah and Jeremiah, and the fall of Israel and then Judah.
We will look at the rise of the first global empires of ancient history – the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and then the Persians. We’ll track the story of God’s people, their exile from the land of promise to the captivity in Babylon and Persia. We’ll see their descent into idolatry and wickedness. God’s anger at the unjust societies that were built. And we’ll also see the reformers who rose to the throne, often empowered by the prophets to set things right and bring the people back to God.
Make sure you are signed up for the weekly newsletter devotionals that will accompany this new podcast series!
- Series Introduction – Some of the basics about the writing of 1 and 2 Kings, and background to understand so listeners will better grasp the study in the next episodes. !Patreon member access!
- Timeline Infographic of the Kings and Prophets
- Episode 1 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 1: Solomon and His Reign of Wisdom – The beginning of Solomon’s reign, the blessing of wisdom, building the temple of God. !Patreon member access!
- Episode 2 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 2: Solomon and the Judgment of God– A description of where corruption and idolatry entered the kingdom of Israel through Solomon’s reign, Solomon’s many wives, the judgment of God comes to Solomon. !Patreon member access!
- Episode 3 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 3: King Rehoboam – The failure and foolishness of Rehoboam, the Kingdom of Israel splits, Egypt invades. !Patreon member access!
- Episode 4 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 4: Jeroboam and the Man of God – The origins of Jeroboam, confrontation with the man of God. !Patreon member access!
- Episode 5 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 5: The Dark Ages of Israel and Judah – Kings Abija and Asa of Judah; revolts and coups in Israel, Kings Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, and Omri !Patreon member access!
- Episode 6 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 6: The Rise of Ahab and Jezebel – King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, the rise of Baal worship, Elijah brings crisis !Patreon member access!
- Episode 7 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 7: The Prophet Elijah – The famine, confronting the prophets of Baal, Elijah’s despair, the still small voice !Patreon member access!
- Episode 8 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 8: The Fall of Ahab – Ahab’s sins and murder. Confrontation with the unnamed prophet.
- Episode 9 Devotional – Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 9: Jehoshophat and Jehoram of Judah – We we turn our focus back to the south to see what was taking shape during this same time period. We look at the good king Jehoshaphat who was succeeded by his terrible son Jehoram.
- Episode 10 Devotional –Read the Biblical passages before you listen to the podcast episode to maximize the benefit!
- Episode 10: The Rise of Elisha – We look at the calling of Elisha and how God set him apart from the prophets who followed Elijah.
New Episodes Released Weekly