Now Reading: Blessed Are the Peacemakers


Blessed Are the Peacemakers

April 17, 20241 min read

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world. Power and warfare are inescapable aspects of the kingdoms of this world. According to Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount however, the values of the Kingdom of God celebrate the peacemakers. That is why He said “blessed are the peacemakers.”

Episode 10: Manifesto: Life, Politics, and Reality in the Kingdom of God

In this episode, we continue our look at the beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount with

Matthew 5:9 –Blessed are the peacemakers!

Although our series through the Manifesto continues, this is our final episode looking at the beatitudes, or what we are referring to as the value statements.

What we traditionally refer to as the “Sermon on the Mount” was actually a revolutionary manifesto for a new way of life in the Kingdom of God. In today’s unsettling and polarized age, the teachings of this Kingdom Manifesto are as relevant and vital as ever. In this multi-part series, JB Shreve and Faithful Considerations takes a deep dive into the Manifesto: Life, Politics, and Reality in the Kingdom of God.

Find this complete podcast series of the Sermon on the Mount here.

Find the Sermon on the Mount here in Matthew 5-7

Tagged In:#Kingdom Manifesto,