This week’s episode: “Solomon and the Judgment of God” (Episode 2 in the Kings and Prophets series) will drop on Thursday. For those studying along with us as we journey through the stories of 1 and 2 Kings here is your assigned reading for the week:
This Week’s Recommended Reading
- Deuteronomy 17:14-20
- 1 Kings 9-11
Considerations As You Read
The enemy does not normally appear suddenly in our life to introduce us to our own destruction. Instead, he places subtle seeds in our lives that can grow alongside a life devoted to godliness. Those seeds, when they come to fruition, can be reaped for our destruction.
- Are their seeds in your life where tiny compromises with the darkness have been made? Ask the Holy Spirit to shine a light on these things in your life so God can deal with them.
Often we mistake the gifts and goodness of God for the approval and affirmation of God. That is a wrong perspective. Scripture tells us that the gifts of God are without repentance (Romans 11:29). Scriptures also tells us that the Holy Spirit will convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8). Such conviction is most effective when we are not blinded by a lifestyle overly focused on the gifts of God.
- Am I mistaking the gifts of God for the approval of God anywhere in my life?
Listen and follow along with the entire podcast series and weekly devotionals here.