This week’s episode: “The Fall of Ahab, Elijah Rides the Whirlwind” (Episode 12 in the Kings and Prophets series) will drop on Thursday. For those studying along with us as we journey through the stories of 1 and 2 Kings here is your assigned reading for the week:
This Week’s Recommended Reading
- 2 Kings chapters 3, 6, and 8
- 2 Kings 13:14-21
Considerations As You Read
During Elisha’s fifty year ministry he really changed the format regarding how prophets operated. He did not only engage with his own country but he also engaged with the surrounding nations and kings. We find that the kings from other nations either loved Elisha or were terrified of him.
1. What do you see in the different approaches of the kings of Judah, Israel, and Edom regarding how they interacted with Elisha in the war against Moab?
When the king of Aram attempted to kidnap Elisha the prophet asked God to open his servant’s eyes so he could see the spirit realm beyond the critical situation at hand.
2. What situation in my life do I need to ask God to open my eyes so I can see His strength beyond the intimidation of the present circumstances?