From identity politics to Make America Great Again, our modern political age thrives on outrage, shock, and increasing hostility toward our neighbors. In the new book Politically Incorrect: Real Faith In An Era of Unreal Politics, JB Shreve explores how we got here, how bad it has become, and what Christians must do next. In
Throughout scripture, words like praise and thanksgiving are interchangeable. In fact, in the Old Testament, many translations of the Bible often replace words like thankfulness and thanksgiving with the word praise. The Hebrew word yada means to revere or worship; intensively, to bemoan, confess, praise, to give thanks, thankful and thanksgiving. So, depending upon which
The power of authentic gratitude before God unleashes our potential for a life of peace, joy, and contentment – no matter how crazy the world around us becomes! Each week we will release a new devotional that looks at a different aspect of the power of Gratitude in the life of a believer. What Is