This week’s episode: “Jehoshophat and Jehoram of Judah ” (Episode 9 in the Kings and Prophets series) will drop on Thursday. For those studying along with us as we journey through the stories of 1 and 2 Kings here is your assigned reading for the week:
This Week’s Recommended Reading
- 1 Kings 22:41-50
- 2 Kings 8:16-29
- 2 Chronicles 17-22
Considerations As You Read
Jehoshophat was a good king but made some fateful errors near the end of his life. He underestimated the pull of idolatry on the people he ruled.
1. Are there placed in my life where I underestimated the powers of darkness and I need to build up my defenses?
The New Testament warns believers to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). The reign of Jehoram of Judah was marked by his marriage to the daughter of Jezebel. This held fateful consequences for the southern kingdom and tore away much of the spiritual progress and safety Jehoram’s fathers had secured.
2. Are there people and relationships in my life where I am unequally yoked to relationships that lead me toward sin?