
Archive for September, 2021

  • September 29, 2021By JB Shreve

    In recent posts in this series on the heart, I have noted how God places the heart as a central piece of the human experience. It is where He comes to meet with us, the Holy Place of our inner being. It is within the heart that the quality of our life is defined. But

  • September 28, 2021By JB Shreve

    In the last post in this series on the heart, we touched briefly on this verse that describes how God’s Word recognizes the centrality of the human heart in the human experience. Because the heart is central, the Word calls us to “guard your heart.” Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do

  • September 27, 2021By JB Shreve

    The word heart is mentioned over 770 times in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The human heart is of critical importance in the design and speaking of God. The heart is the seat of man’s conscious being. It is at the center of who we are and who we will ever be.

  • September 10, 2021By JB Shreve

    Scripture describes people who understand everything about the times they live in except the reality of what God is doing as people with dull hearts. One day we will each stand before God and give account for our lives (Romans 14:12). The Creator of heaven and earth, Lord of hosts, will examine our time on

  • September 3, 2021By JB Shreve

    JB and Casie Shreve sit down to discuss the legitimate dangers of listening to the wrong sources, frequencies, and values in this day and age. In a time when social media and the world around us encourages us to argue, be outraged, and push our own perspectives more assertively than the perspective of our neighbors,

  • September 2, 2021By JB Shreve

    At the foundation of any worldview is the connection of personal trust to the source upon which we build our lives. The direction and source to which we posture our heart’s trust determines the nature of our lives because a worldview flows from that, and a worldview shapes our lives. There are many different sources
