Now Reading: Grace – The Energy of God [PODCAST SERIES]


Grace – The Energy of God [PODCAST SERIES]

January 3, 20233 min read

Join us throughout the month of January for regular episodes in this podcast series as we explore the depth of what the Bible says about the Grace of God!

For years I struggled with the idea of the grace of God. I’m not talking about grace as the unmerited favor of God. That is a correct definition of the grace of God, but it’s also not enough. There is more to it than that. Paul and the writers of the New Testament talked about the grace constantly. The early church, its leaders, and its average joe-blow members knew how to identify the grace of God by looking at situations and people.

grace the energy of God podcast series

In short, the descriptions of the grace of God that I found in the New Testament did not match my personal experience. So beginning in late 2021, I began an intensive study of the grace of God. An influential spiritual leader in my life once referred to the grace as “the energy of God.” That definition description helped things “click” for me. That made sense. It opened up the evangelical box I had unwittingly trapped my understanding of the grace of God within so I could see with more clarity and fullness the brilliance of this terrific gift from God.

Episode Listing

  1. Discovering Grace All Over Again
  2. The Age of Grace
  3. Christ Broke It Open
  4. The Two Powers
  5. What the Grace Does
  6. Four Ways to Access Grace
  7. (Three More) Ways to Access Grace
  8. The Nature of Grace
  9. Blocking the Grace
  10. That Defining Moment of Grace

This podcast series explores the idea of the energy of God from a deeply enriching perspective. This is what I found in my study of the Word of God. It is also what I found when I reflected on my 25 years of walking with God. I realized that even if I did not recognize it, His grace (energy) was there all along, actively leading, guiding, and shaping me and my home.

In a day and age when the systems of the world are collapsing all around us, God’s grace knows the way and His people who find and follow the grace will secure safety, security, and hope!

Resources For Your Personal Study

  • Listeners may have noticed I often used the Phillips Translations when quoting some New Testament verses in this podcast series on grace. This is one of my easy go-to translations when studying. Here is a link if you want to get your own copy of this one.




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